Skinning Santa Fe: Time to review the “Uphill Skiers Responsibility Code”?
Too early to think about skiing? I think not! I’m heading into my third year as a telemark skier. And I can’t wait for the snow to fly! Early December will see me skinning Santa Fe Ski Basin 3-4 times a week, and in anticipation, I’ve decided to take a look at their “Uphill Skiers Responsibility Code“.
But first a little back story tracing my recent transition to telemark skiing…
Toward Telemark
I grew up downhill (alpine) and cross country (nordic) skiing. I enjoyed both. But a few days of downhill each winter was more than enough for me. And cross country dwindled by middle school. Not enough time. Too many competing interests like competitive swimming.
In my twenties I moved to Santa Fe and discovered “real” downhill skiing. Lots of dry, powdery snow. Lots of steep, underpopulated terrain. Lots of blue sky! I couldn’t get enough of it. And with Santa Fe as my “home mountain” and Taos just a short-ish ride away, I logged more days on the slopes each winter than I had in all my previous years combined. I became a competent skier. And I had a blast.

Victory: Skinning Santa Fe
Then I moved to Paris and spent four years in the Alps rediscovering once again the thrill and beauty of prime skiing conditions.
Back in the United States I continued to chase challenging terrain and push my limits. My bride and I have season passes at Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, NY and we try to spend a good chunk of time in the Southwest. Although Santa Fe is our home mountain, I also spent a week at Taos. Some winters we squeeze in another ski destination like Jackson Hole or Whistler Blackcomb. In short, we love to ski.
But a few years ago I got curious about telemark skiing. I’d been enjoying the elegant tele turns from chairlifts for years, growing gradually more intrigued. And then I skied with a friend who’s the most powerful, beautiful telemark skier I’ve ever witnessed. And I decided to look into it.
I read a little. I watched some videos. But mostly I started talking to tele skiers about their experience. And the more I learned, the more I realized that I wanted to make the leap. In my mind, the change represented a transition from skiing that banged me up to skiing that made me stronger and healthier. It also flip-flopped the dynamics with my bride, turning me into a remedial telemark skier trying to keep up with her. This meant better exercise and more skiing together. Win-win.
From Telemark to Skinning
From telemark skiing downhill to skinning uphill was the next big change. We still enjoy lift service, but there’s no better way to whip the legs and lungs into shape than earning the slopes in December. (Not to mention that uphill skinning opens up a whole world of skiing beyond the pistes!)
Last year was my first season of skinning, and my willing bride made the transition to AT primarily so that she could join in the fun. Earn it. Enjoy it.
While I’ll revisit the joys of uphill skiing later, it’s time I get around to the objective for this post: drawing attention to Santa Fe’s uphill skiing rules, (aka “Uphill Skiers Responsibility Code”).
Uphill Skiers Responsibility Code
All of the following was copied verbatim from SkiSantaFe.com and it’s worth rereading each season.
Ski Santa Fe Welcomes Uphill Skiers and Boarders. To ensure the safety of uphill and downhill skiers and boarders, please adhere to the Uphill Skiers Responsibility Code:
The following code is in place to promote everyone’s safety on the mountain. There are numerous hazards to be aware of. This is only a partial list.
Stay to the side of trails to minimize conflict with downhill traffic.
Avoid headwalls and blind corners.
Keep dogs on a leash at all times while in the ski area boundaries.
When traveling in groups, move uphill in single file.

Off to Skin Santa Fe
STAY OFF OF TRAILS THAT HAVE SNOWMAKING IN PROGRESS. These trails will have 480 volt electrical cords and high pressure water hoses, and at times they may be just beneath the surface. They may also have very icy conditions, particularly near the snow guns. SEEK AN ALTERNATE ROUTE IF YOU SEE ANY INDICATION OF SNOW MACHINES, ELECTRICAL CORDS, OR HOSES.
Some trails are groomed with a winch cat which uses cables under extremely high tension. STAY OFF THESE TRAILS! These cables can move suddenly and change height. THEY CAN CAUSE DISMEMBERMENT OR DEATH. The following trails are the ones most often winched: Muerte, Upper Parachute, Wizard, Sunrise, and Burro Alley. This list is not comprehensive and other trails may be winched. ALWAYS GIVE SNOWCATS, SNOWMOBILES, AND ANY OTHER MACHINERY A WIDE BERTH. SEEK ALTERNATE ROUTES TO AVOID THEM.
Avalanche danger and other hazards exist both inside and outside ski area boundaries. KEEP OUT OF AREA NORTH OF THE TESUQUE PEAK TRIPLE CHAIRLIFT WHEN THERE IS NEW SNOW, as these areas may have Ski Patrol in them engaged in avalanche mitigation. Entering these areas puts you and the Ski Patrol at risk.
Skiing outside the ski area boundary is in a wild area where no avalanche mitigation measures have been taken. AVALANCHE DANGER, CLIFFS, AND OTHER NATURAL HAZARDS EXIST. THESE AREAS ARE NOT PATROLLED. You are responsible for your own safety both inside and outside the ski area boundary. Ski Patrol service is not available outside normal operating hours (9:00am to 4:00pm), or outside the ski area boundaries at any time. (SkiSantaFe.com)
See you at the Santa Fe Ski Basin!