Spring Skinning and Skiing in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Source: Geo Davis)
One month ago, on April 5, 2017, I skinned and skied Santa Fe’s local ski hill for the last time second to last time this season.
Long after winter had turned into spring and the snow had begun to melt, Santa Fe received several significant snowfalls. In the vernacular of my fellow powder hounds, a couple of “epic dumps”. Lift service had ended on April 2, so I lashed on my boards and skins and headed uphill to catch the fresh powder.
Here’s a glimpse of uphill portion of my most memorable ski of the year.
As you can see, the conditions were A+ immaculate!
I started out early enough that I barely saw a soul (even though a couple of headlamp-hardy skinners must have made it to the summit for sunrise.) On my ski-out, I must have passed 3-4 dozen people skinning up. Plenty of powder left for all of them…

Spring Skinning and Skiing in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Source: Geo Davis)
Although I envisioned this as my last ski day, my bride decided that she wanted a final lick at the hill before the daffodils pushed their golden heads into the blue sky. So we headed up the following weekend.

Spring Skinning and Skiing in Santa Fe (Source: Geo Davis)
The conditions were mushier at the bottom and icier up high, but this sun-soaked spring adventure with my bride and dog offered a glorious curtain call for an amazing ski season. Thanks, Ski Santa Fe!